Alaska Tribal Justice Resource Center
RurAL CAP’s Alaska Tribal Justice Resource Center offers those working in tribal justice access to statewide nonprofit, public, and tribal relationships alongside services and support to achieve their respective goals.
The Alaska Tribal Justice Resource Center leads and coordinates Training and Technical Assistance from state and national providers. We assist Tribes and Tribal organizations in developing and enhancing their respective tribal justice systems.
For More Information
[email protected]
This project was supported by Grant No. 2019-IC-BX-K004 awarded by the Bureau of Justice Assistance. The Bureau of Justice Assistance is a component of the Department of Justice’s Office of Justice Programs, which also includes the Bureau of Justice Statistics, the National Institute of Justice, the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention, the Office for Victims of Crime, and the SMART Office. Points of view or opinions in this document are those of the author and do not necessarily represent the official position or policies of the U.S. Department of Justice.