Growing Rural Opportunities for Wellness – Orchards and Food Forests (GROW-OFF) Grant Program RFP

The Forest Service has awarded funds to the Rural Alaska Community Action Program, Inc. (RurAL CAP) to sub-award grants of $40,000-$60,000 to eight to ten Climate and Economic Justice Screening Tool (CEJST)-designated disadvantaged Alaska communities, with the purpose of establishing and maintaining community orchards and food forests. RurAL CAP’s Growing Rural Opportunities for Wellness (GROW) Program requests proposals for the GROW-OFF (Orchards and Food Forests) Grant Program from eligible applicants to plant and maintain community orchards or food forests in their communities. GROW-OFF aims to enhance food security, foster community engagement, create economic opportunities, and promote community wellness and environmental sustainability. RurAL CAP has sub-awarded the majority of these funds through a first round of applications. $97,331 in funds remain to be sub-awarded.

Rolling deadline. Applicants will be contacted within a week of receipt of their application.

For inquiries or to submit proposals, please contact the GROW Program at [email protected].