RurAL CAP Anchorage Weatherization RFP

The Rural Alaska Community Action Program, Inc., (RurAL CAP) Weatherization Department, is seeking Interest and qualifications from qualified, proven, local, General Contractors, to provide Weatherization services to single family as well as multiplex homes, weatherization and repair services to mobile/manufactured homes that are located in the Municipality of Anchorage, Alaska.

Priority will be given to contractors whose qualifications cover mobile/manufactured and single family home repairs. The qualified contractor must demonstrate experience in weatherization measures such as blower door testing, pressure diagnostics, combustion safety diagnostics, air sealing, insulation of basements, walls and attics, door and window replacement, repair or replacement of stairs and porches. Qualified contractors will also have experience in, EPDM roofing, insulated skirting, leveling, water heater and furnace replacement, accessibility improvements such as ramps or stairs for mobile homes

Bids must be received at [email protected] prior to 4:00 p.m. (Alaska Standard Time) on October 9, 2024. All bids must include the reference on email subject, “RurAL CAP Anchorage Weatherization RFP”. Late responses will not be considered.

All questions regarding this bid request must be emailed to [email protected] and [email protected] prior to October 2, 2024 at 4PM (Alaska Standard Time). Responses to questions will be sent to all parties who have received bid packages, proposals and who have registered their email address. To register your email, email [email protected].