Child Development Center

RurAL CAP’s Child Development Center in Anchorage provides full-day, year-round child care for kids between the ages of 19 months and five years. Our approach embodies the belief that a child’s growth must be understood and built upon by the family.  

Our center enriches children through various activities, lessons, and meals, continually bolstering each child’s growth on a day-to-day basis. We operate three mixed-age suites for children ages 19 months through 5 years, with small class sizes that are capped at 12. This mixed-age approach promotes peer-to-peer role modelling and promotes stability, helping students to grow with the same teachers and peers, allowing them stability and setting throughout their enrollment. This is a research-backed approach for improving both cognitive and language growth. Healthy meals and snacks are provided on site in compliance with the Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP)Our system of education promotes physical, cognitive, social, and emotional development. RurAL CAPs Registered Teacher Apprenticeship program, hosted at the CDC, offers an opportunity for teachers to earn their associate degree in Early Childhood Education through the University of Alaska with support from journey worker teachers and mentors.  

We recognize that child development begins at home and welcome family participation every step of the way. Family members may join the Parent Committee and actively participate in decision-making and activity/event promotion. Our teachers communicate daily with parents and invite all families to eat lunch with us on site.

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For More Information

545 E. 5th Avenue
Anchorage, AK 99501
[email protected]

Enroll through our online form below or
Download the Paper Application

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