Request for Proposals
RurAL CAP Anchorage Weatherization RFP
The Rural Alaska Community Action Program, Inc., (RurAL CAP) Weatherization Department, is seeking Interest and qualifications from qualified, proven, local, General Contractors, to provide Weatherization services to single family as well as multiplex homes, weatherization and repair services to mobile/manufactured homes that are located in the Municipality of Anchorage, Alaska.
Priority will be given to contractors whose qualifications cover mobile/manufactured and single family home repairs. The qualified contractor must demonstrate experience in weatherization measures such as blower door testing, pressure diagnostics, combustion safety diagnostics, air sealing, insulation of basements, walls and attics, door and window replacement, repair or replacement of stairs and porches. Qualified contractors will also have experience in, EPDM roofing, insulated skirting, leveling, water heater and furnace replacement, accessibility improvements such as ramps or stairs for mobile homes
Bids must be received at [email protected] prior to 4:00 p.m. (Alaska Standard Time) on October 9, 2024. All bids must include the reference on email subject, “RurAL CAP Anchorage Weatherization RFP”. Late responses will not be considered.
All questions regarding this bid request must be emailed to [email protected] and [email protected] prior to October 2, 2024 at 4PM (Alaska Standard Time). Responses to questions will be sent to all parties who have received bid packages, proposals and who have registered their email address. To register your email, email [email protected].
RurAL CAP Anchorage Locations Snow Removal RFP
Rural Alaska Community Action Program, Inc. (RurAL CAP) Facilities Project Manager is requesting proposals from qualified licensed to do business in Alaska. Enclosed is pertinent information for use in preparing your bid. This information will be used as a guide in the preparation of any subsequent contract.
Bids must be received at [email protected] prior to 4:00 p.m. (Alaska Standard Time) on September 17, 2024.
All bids must include the reference on email subject, “RurAL CAP Anchorage Locations Snow Removal RFP” and addressed to: Darrel Behymer, CPP. Bids received after the deadline specified above will not be accepted.
All questions regarding this bid request must be emailed prior to September 10, 2024 at 4PM (Alaska Standard Time). Responses to questions will be sent to all parties who have received bid packages, proposals and who have registered their email address. To register your email, email [email protected].
Growing Rural Opportunities for Wellness – Orchards and Food Forests (GROW-OFF) Grant Program RFP
The Forest Service has awarded funds to the Rural Alaska Community Action Program, Inc. (RurAL CAP) to sub-award grants of $40,000-$60,000 to eight to ten Climate and Economic Justice Screening Tool (CEJST)-designated disadvantaged Alaska communities, with the purpose of establishing and maintaining community orchards and food forests. RurAL CAP’s Growing Rural Opportunities for Wellness (GROW) Program requests proposals for the GROW-OFF (Orchards and Food Forests) Grant Program from eligible applicants to plant and maintain community orchards or food forests in their communities. GROW-OFF aims to enhance food security, foster community engagement, create economic opportunities, and promote community wellness and environmental sustainability. RurAL CAP has sub-awarded the majority of these funds through a first round of applications. $97,331 in funds remain to be sub-awarded.
Rolling deadline. Applicants will be contacted within a week of receipt of their application.
For inquiries or to submit proposals, please contact the GROW Program at [email protected].
RurAL CAP Muldoon Safe Harbor Door RFP
Rural Alaska Community Action Program, Inc. (RurAL CAP) Senior Rural Housing Project Manager is requesting proposals from qualified contractors that are licensed to do business in Alaska. Enclosed is pertinent information for use in preparing your bid. This information will be used as a guide in preparing any subsequent contract.
Bids must be received at [email protected] prior to 4:00 p.m. (Alaska Standard Time) on August 30, 2024.
All bids must include the reference on email subject, “RurAL CAP Muldoon Safe Harbor Door RFP,” and addressed to: Darrel Behymer, CPP. Bids received after the deadline specified above will not be accepted.
All questions regarding this bid request must be emailed prior to August 14, 2024 at 4PM (Alaska
Standard Time). Responses to questions will be sent to all parties who have received bid packages, proposals and who have registered their email address. To register your email, email [email protected].
RurAL CAP Evaluation Project RFP
Rural Alaska Community Action Program, Inc. (RurAL CAP) Senior Rural Housing Project Manager is requesting proposals from qualified contractors that are licensed to do business in Alaska. Enclosed is pertinent information for use in preparing your bid.
Bids must be received at [email protected] prior to 4:00 p.m. (Alaska Standard Time) on August 16, 2024.
All bids must include the reference on email subject, “RurAL CAP Roof Evaluation Project RFP,” and addressed to: Darrel Behymer, CPP. Bids received after the deadline specified above will not be accepted.
All questions regarding this bid request must be emailed prior to August 7, 2024 at 4PM (Alaska
Standard Time). Responses to questions will be sent to all parties who have received bid packages, proposals and who have registered their email address. To register your email, email [email protected].
CDC Playground Project RFP
Rural Alaska Community Action Program, Inc. (RurAL CAP) Senior Rural Housing Project Manager is requesting proposals from qualified contractors that are licensed to do business in Alaska. Enclosed is pertinent information for use in preparing your bid. This information will be used as a guide in preparing any subsequent contract.
Bids must be received at [email protected] prior to 4:00 p.m. (Alaska Standard Time) on August 2, 2024.
All bids must include the reference on email subject, “CDC Playground Project RFP,” and addressed to: Darrel Behymer, CPP. Bids received after the deadline specified above will not be accepted.
All questions regarding this bid request must be emailed prior to July 26, 2024 at 4PM (Alaska
Standard Time). Responses to questions will be sent to all parties who have received bid packages, proposals and who have registered their email address. To register your email, email [email protected].
Youth Development and Culture Grant Program
The purpose of the Youth Development and Culture Grant Program is to reduce the disproportionate number of minority youth who come into contact with the juvenile justice system. Alaska Natives make up approximately 15% of youth ages 12-17 in Alaska while making up approximately 30% of these youth referred to the Division of Juvenile Justice each year. The DJJ recognizes the need to collaborate and team with agencies that have the cultural knowledge, community connections and expertise to enhance and strengthen its work with Alaska Native youth, families and communities. The Youth Development and Culture Grant Program targets both a reduction in the disproportionate contact Alaska Native youth have with the juvenile justice system in Alaska, and an increase in the ability of the Alaska Native communities ultimately funded through this program to better develop and manage DHSS grant programs.
RurAL CAP requests proposals for community projects that are innovative and implement either culture activities/camps or youth leadership development.
RurAL CAP anticipates funding 6-12 projects of up to $6,000 to $16,000 per year, with no match required.
Project Timeline: Rolling Deadline