The purpose of the Youth Development and Culture Grant Program is to reduce the disproportionate number of minority youth who come into contact with the juvenile justice system. Alaska Natives make up approximately 15% of youth ages 12-17 in Alaska while making up approximately 30% of these youth referred to the Division of Juvenile Justice each year. The DJJ recognizes the need to collaborate and team with agencies that have the cultural knowledge, community connections and expertise to enhance and strengthen its work with Alaska Native youth, families and communities. The Youth Development and Culture Grant Program targets both a reduction in the disproportionate contact Alaska Native youth have with the juvenile justice system in Alaska, and an increase in the ability of the Alaska Native communities ultimately funded through this program to better develop and manage DHSS grant programs.
RurAL CAP requests proposals for community projects that are innovative and implement either culture activities/camps or youth leadership development.
RurAL CAP anticipates funding 6-12 projects of up to $6,000 to $16,000 per year, with no match required.
Project Timeline: Rolling Deadline