Thank you for purchasing gifts for Safe Harbor Muldoon! Thanks to your generosity all their children will have gifts on Christmas!We’re honored to be part of this Alaskan community.
It’s not too late to donate! Sitka Place and Karluk Manor are still in need of supplies!
This year, the Rural Alaska Community Action Program (RurAL CAP) has enjoyed connecting with staff, partners, funders, and clients across the state through new and innovative means of communication, and we will continue to do so during this Season of Giving.
As an extension of our 55 Ways to Connect community service efforts, we have organized a COVID-safe means of sharing the holiday spirit with the families and residents at a few of our Supportive Housing Facilities through Amazon WishLists.
If you would like to participate, visit the WishLists below and choose a gift! We are asking those who contribute a gift to mark the item as “purchased” on the respective Wishlist (by clicking “Buying this gift elsewhere > Mark as Purchased”) and to send them to the address listed at the top of each wish list. This campaign will close at the end of December.
We encourage everyone shopping on Amazon to use AmazonSmile to complete all their holiday season purchases and to designate a charity of choice as a recipient of an AmazonSmile donation.
We appreciate your support! Happy Holidays!